Sunday, February 22, 2009
Change, there is so much to say about it, who it affects, and how it effects things. One major change is Barack Obama. He has not only made a change in african american presidents, he has changed many things in our country. He has passed a bill to shut down guantanamo bay, a prison for captured enemys. He is also working to change the current economy breakdown. After passing a stimulous package, hoping to fix the recession. Presidant Obama is a great symbol of change and will be remembered throughout history.
hope in cancer
Barbara Bagley has always been in top physical health until bout age 40. Her smoking was begining to take a toll on her. She started getting bad bronchitis and went in to get it checked. Next thing she knew, she had lung cancer. Her doctor told her to quit smoking so she did. She was not ready to die. Barbara began living a healthier lifestyle, no more smoking, eating well, and exersising in her free time. After 2 long years of in and out to the doctors office, she finally had some good news. The tumor in her right lung had suddenly disapearred. This is an amazing story of hope, and what can happen if you have hope.
Religion in India
Hinduism is currently the largest religion in India. it accounts for more then 80% of the population. the second largest religion in India is Islam, which is about 13% of te population. There are many temples and different worship areas throughout india where people can come to gather. The Indians are very tollerant about other religions in their community. I thought this was an interesting artical and thought i should share it.
Monday, February 9, 2009
female role in ancient greece
The women in ancient greece did more than you might think. Other than learning to read and write, women learned how to do common household chores for the family. The girls would get married in there teens, often to a man much older. Before this marriager the girl's fathers had complete control over them, then the control was overturned to the husband. The role of the women in ancient greece was interesting and had some of the same traits of females in different cultures.
For world history we learned about many different cultures. The culture i was assigned to was the mayans. I had to read multiple papers on them and research the culture in order to create a poster to show others. However, the mayans are very intelligent, and i wanted to blog about their amazing reign. All of their structures were alligned east to west. They even had a ball field for games. The Mayans were great at predicting the future. They could even, in theory, predict worlds end. The mayans were very smart and had many interesting features. I Thought it would be neccesary to share this information with you because they were some of the most advanced cultures other than today.
struggle of Michael Phelps
The other day i was reading the Yahoo homepage, when something caught my eye. Michael Phelps, a worldclass athlete had a picture of him smoking marijuana. Although he still set multiple world records, his sponsors and many others were outraged by this simple picture. His career was going well and all of a sudden, this comes. One small thing and it puts his job in jepardy. Personally, i think this was taken way out of control. If you talk to all of the people around his age, i would say over 50% of them have tried this illegal substance. He really is not doing anything out of the ordinary, it just happend to get out of hand.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
natural disastor
I was reading an artical on natural disasters and it struck me. The artical i was reading was on the 2004 tsunami. This was one of the biggest tsunamis ever recorded and killed over 225,000 people. The tsunami was caused by a 9.1 magnitude earthquake creating waves over 100 feet. I thought this was an interesting artical and wanted to share it.
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